The inquisition continues

In the latest twist in the WannaCry saga, it turns out that Microsoft in fact had the fixes to the ErternalBlue disclosure way back in February. But because XP was End of Life, they chose not to release it. Microsoft stockpiling too

The normals out there are still saying this is fundamentally an IT problem. But it's not! Its a business problem. Why have so many companies gotten into this pickle? Because THE BUSINESS has decided to cut 'non essential' spending, and IT is still all too often seen as being non-essential. But as we have seen with these attacks, 

IT is in fact critical to the operation of a modern business. The board must have someone with IT/Security responsibility, knowledge and experience to work along with them to ensure that businesses survive.

Hopefully this incident will provide some incentive to the board to open up and let an IT/Security representative join them as an equal, at the top.


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